Friday, November 19, 2010


I was sound asleep in my box when an annoying


came on my box.

"Ugh" I muttered, then turned the other way.
"LOVELY RITA! WAKE UP! WE'RE ALMOST HERE!" Sonny's voice was muffled, but I didn't care, I was FINALLY out of the AG Factory! I smiled then pushed the top of my box.

I couldn't believe my eyes;
there. were. so. many. dolls.

Historical's, Just Like You/My American Girl's, Girl Of The Year's, Bitty Baby, and Bitty Twins.

"Whoa." Was all I could muster up.
"Amazing, huh?" Kenna asked.
I was so in awe, all I could do was nod.

"EVERYONE! GET IN YOUR BOXES, THE DRIVER'S COMING!" A Lanie yelled and everyone scurried to get back in their boxes.
"That means we're here!" Sonny smiled.
Kenna yelled "WOOO!"
and I clapped.

we're gonna getcha.



  1. ooh! I wonder what Annabelle will do when she see's you guys! Thats so nice of you to go get her!
    And I dont think me and Andrew will be getting Married! lol but starnger things have jk


  2. awww thanks! I LOVE YOUR BLOG TOO! :)


  3. Good luck finding Annabelle!


  4. thanks(: I dont want to miss it either. It would get us ready for the Grease competition!


  5. ikr!! It's soo weird! It's like mr. Jones is out to get Ally! Why I dont know! But I'll be sure to find out!

    ~Becca (On Elizabeths accounts(: )
